History of the marina

Historic tour of the Hull Island

Historical images...

You can take a little historic tour of the Hull Island by foot, with locations a few minutes from the marina. .

Below, see an outline of these places and a map (french only).

Have a nice stay at the Hull Marina!

The E.B. Eddy Company

The E.B. Eddy Company was a Canadian pulp and paper company, now a division of Domtar, Inc. It was incorporated in 1886 as the E.B. Eddy Manufacturing Company under its president and founder, Ezra Butler Eddy. Eddy had started out in 1854 making and selling wooden matches at his home in Hull. The business expanded into the pulp and paper industry and, in 1891, was renamed E.B. Eddy Company


The intersection of Eddy Street and the Promenade du Portage

The photo was taken close to the intersection of Eddy Street and the Promenade du Portage, an important part of the city. The two structures that are still standing are the Bank of Montreal and the Bank Hotel. Have a look to see the transition between yesterday and today

The Interprovincial Bridge

The older photo shows a train on the middle track of the Royal Alexandra Bridge. Hull’s Notre-Dame church, on Laurier street, is in the background. Notice the difference between yesterday and today


Promenade du Portage

A scene from the Promenade du Portage, facing north-east toward the intersection of Portage and Hotel de Ville, just in front of the Chez Henry hotel. The older photo is dated 1940 and is from the collection of G. Brunet

The E.B. Eddy Tower

(Laurier Park, Canadian Museum of History)

The E.B. Eddy Tower, constructed in 1901, housed the first vertical pulp digester in North America. It represents a significant innovation by the E.B. Eddy company and a milestone in the technological development of Hull and Canadian industry as a whole. The tower was part of the bisulphite plant, several buildings of which were demolished in 1972. Only those now occupied by the Scott Paper mill were retained

Le Café Henry Burger

69, Laurier road

The Café Henry Burger was the work not of the great chef and hotelier Henry Burger, but that of his wife, Marie-Anne Monnin, who bought, in 1943, the classic Edwardian style house, built in 1921. She welcomed all politicians of the capital and many great artists, not to mention the heart of Outaouais society. Robert C. Bourassa continues to run this legendary restaurant today

Firehouse Number 3

239, Champlain Road

The ravages of widespread fires in Hull explain the absence of a great number of older buildings. Little remains to illustrate the origins of today’s city. Firehouse Number 3, constructed in 1911 by Hull architect Charles Brodeur and business owner Arthur Bourque, is one of the first pieces of municipal firefighting infrastructure


The view of the E.B. Eddy
newspaper factory

from Nepean Point (Ottawa)

This old photo shows the buildings of the E.B. Eddy newspaper factory, and, to the right, the pulp digester tower. Today, you can see that the digester tower and the smoke stack are still there .